The world needs geologists. They're in demand now more than ever before. YOU can become a geologist... The world needs you!
We've created a FREE booklet that answers all your questions about what it's like to study this awesome science and become a geologist.
— What do you know about the science of geology?
— Is geology a real science? Is it important?
— What's the geology around you? Why should you care about it?
— How has geology affected your life and the people around you?
Barb McGavern, P.G.
Creator of
Founder & Head of Pebble and Pull, LLC
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Aliquam rhoncus mauris, convallis volutpat velit bibendum dui duis ut vulputate amet, ac ipsum nisl convallis ut.
Aliquam rhoncus mauris, convallis volutpat velit bibendum dui duis ut vulputate amet, ac ipsum nisl convallis ut.
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