Geology is fun to study at any age!

— Why do people study geology?

— What does a geologist do?

— Do you want to become a geologist?

The world needs geologists. They're in demand now more than ever before. YOU can become a geologist... The world needs you!

We've created a FREE booklet that answers all your questions about what it's like to study this awesome science and become a geologist.

Girl looking out over Bryce Canyon eology

Our Mission: To promote geology education and outreach, inspire young people (especially, women and girls) to study geology, and inspire a new generation to become geoscientists.

— What do you know about the science of geology?

— Is geology a real science? Is it important?

— What's the geology around you? Why should you care about it?

— How has geology affected your life and the people around you?


Geology is the sort of time machine you always dreamed you could have.

Barb McGavern, P.G.

Creator of

Founder & Head of Pebble and Pull, LLC

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